TTFT provides solar systems at a wide variety of options and aims at providing the customer with money saving and energy efficient power solutions to meet their requirement. Services provided by TTFT includes from finding out the most compatible system for the customer’s need to installation and maintenance of the solar power system.

Solar Energy System Solutions
Solar Solutions
Services focus on our clients' most critical issues and opportunities.

This system is applicable for regions which experiences frequent power failures especially in warm regions. It is a price efficient PWM based system that allows you to save extra solar power in batteries to use electricity even during power cuts.
Key Features
- Performs well in warm temperatures
- Less costlier than other systems
- Easy power replacement for rural areas
- Easy to install
- Keeps the environment clean and green
- Reduces electricity costs
Areas Of Application
- Petrol pumps
- Gas stations
- Schools
- Residential applications
This technique is very efficient for areas which suffer from frequent power cuts by storing extra solar power within the batteries. Moreover, these inverters are often both AC and DC coupled which creates a very secure, flexible power system with multiple charging options and can enable black-start operation if the foremost inverter shuts down, the backup generator fails or the batteries are depleted.

Key Features
- Best use in cold areas
- Provides higher efficiency than PWM type off grid solar systems
- Minimizes electricity costs
- No fear of power cuts
Areas Of Application
- Schools
- Petrol pumps
- Residential areas (colder countries)

This system includes the grid-tie system inverters and solar panels compatible with the consumers' energy system. In this system, the energy is directly consumed from the daylight through solar panels and fed to the grid-tie inverters. This is often the foremost cost-effective type for solar systems compare to off-grid and hybrid solar systems for electricity saving or reduction in bills.
In this system, the solar inverter converts the DC electricity produced by the solar array into AC electricity, which may then be used directly.
If the system is producing more power than is being consumed, the excess is fed into the electrical grid via solar net metering. At the time of electricity billing, the govt. or power Provider Company will adjust the exported units in your electricity bill.
Key Features
- Huge reduction in electricity charges
- Better Return of investment
- Easy maintenance
- Easy synchronize with other sources of power
- No need of expensive battery backup system
- Grid failure or power shutdown will not affect power supply
Areas Of Application
- High power consuming industrial areas
- Residential areas
- Hospitals
- Schools
- Other industrial areas
TTFT provides solar energy stations designed for the availability of merchant power into the electricity grid. They are differentiated from most building-mounted and other decentralized solar energy applications because they provide power at the utility level instead of an area user or user.
The solar energy source is via photovoltaic modules that convert light in to electricity. However, this differs from, and will not be confused with concentrated solar energy , the opposite large-scale solar generation technology, which uses heat to drive a spread of conventional generator systems.

They are ground-mounted PV systems, also referred to as free-field solar energy plants they will either be fixed tilt or use one axis or dual-axis solar tracker. While tracking improves the general performance, it also increases the system's installation and maintenance cost. A solar inverter converts the array's power output from DC to AC, and connection to the utility grid is formed through a high voltage, three-phase transformer of typically 10 kV and above.
Key Features
- Electricity produced by solar cells is clean and silent. Because they do not use fuel aside from sunshine, PV systems don’t release any harmful air or pollution into the environment, deplete natural resources, or endanger animal or human health.
- Photovoltaic systems are quiet and visually unobtrusive.
- Small-scale solar plants can cash in of unused space on the rooftops of existing buildings.
- PV cells were originally developed to be used in space, where repair is extremely expensive, if not impossible. PV still powers nearly every satellite circling the world because it operates reliably for long periods of your time with virtually no maintenance.
- Solar energy may be a locally available natural resource. It doesn’t have to be imported from other regions of the country or across the globe. This reduces environmental impacts related to transportation and also reduces our dependence on imported oil. And, unlike fuels that are mined and harvested, once we use solar power to supply the electricity we don’t deplete or alter the resource.
- A PV system is often constructed to any size supported energy requirements. Furthermore, the owner of a PV system can enlarge or move it if his or her energy needs change. As an example, homeowners can add modules every few years as their energy usage and financial resources grow. Ranchers can use mobile trailer-mounted pumping systems to water cattle because the cattle are rotated to different fields

Solar water purifiers work by using sunlight to change contaminated water into fresh-smelling, good-tasting and safe drinking water. There are many solar water purifiers on the market and they all work a little differently. What they all do, however, is collect water in some kind of covered bin. As the sunlight raises the temperature of the water, the water is vaporized and leaves the contaminants behind. The water goes through condensation under the glass or plastic cover and drops of water collect in a pure water channel. The drops are then delivered into a clean bin from which we can then drink clean water
Using solar power for water treatment has become more common because it may be a usually low-technology solution that works to capture the warmth and energy from the sun to form water which is cleaner and healthier for human use and consumption. Solar water treatment is especially beneficial for rural communities, as they do not require to produce other sorts of water purification infrastructure and more importantly, electricity to run such structures. The foremost positive feature about solar water purification is that there is no requirement for fuel. Thanks to the shortage of fuel that creates solar applications relatively superior to standard sources of energy because it doesn’t cause pollution (global warming, acid rain, ozone depletion) or health hazards related to pollution.
Solar Water Disinfection
Solar water disinfection is simple process of purifying water using solar power and radiation. SODIS as technology was first introduced in 1980 by Aftim Acra etal. from the American University of Beirut. the method involves contaminated water being filled in transparent PET or glass bottles which are then exposed to the sun for about 6 hours.
Solar Water Distillation
Solar water distillation uses a solar still to condense pure water vapour and settle out harmful substances to form clean, pure beverage . This process is employed when the water is brackish containing harmful bacteria, or for settling out heavy metals, and also for desalination of seawater.
Solar Water Pasteurization
Solar water pasteurization involves the utilization of moderate heat or radiation to kill disease-causing microbes. This heat is provided from cookers that trap the solar power . This method has proven to kill bacteria, viruses, worms, and protozoa.
Solar Water Purification
This method integrates electricity generated from solar power for water purification. Solar panels generate power for a battery which is employed for filtration and purification systems. These structures are generally mobile and are immensely helpful for disaster-relief efforts.